I'd appreciate your likes and comments). Additionally, it will result in my lengthiest blog post to date. However, regardless of the length, it's a significant achievement that I'm eager to share with you. I'll refrain from delving into unnecessary details and get straight to the main points to prevent this post from turning into a 100-minute read :). As always, I'll strive to simplify everything to ensure even those who aren't tech-savvy can easily follow along. Why? Everything has a why, this project too. (DevOps for data engineering) and I needed to apply them in an end-to-end project. Of course, this project is not the best one out there, but it helps me to quickly iterate and make errors. (And it reflects the reality of Modern Data Engineering, with beautiful tool icons everywhere). End Goal The end goal of this project is to have a fully functional data platform/pipeline, that will refresh our analytics tables/dashboards daily. The whole infrastructu...