This tutorial shows you how to fetch Facebook Friends if you have Facebook accessToken. Here is the the code for Scheduled task called getFriends function getFriends() { //Name of the table where accounts are stored var accountTable = tables.getTable('FacebookAccounts'); //Name of the table where friends are stored var friendsTable = tables.getTable('Friends'); checkAccounts(); function checkAccounts(){ accountTable .read({success: function readAccounts(accounts){ if (accounts.length){ for (var i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++){ console.log("Creating query"); //Call createQuery function for all of the accounts that are found createQuery(accounts[i], getDataFromFacebook); } } else { console.log("Didn't find any account"); prepareAccountTable(); } }}); } function prepareAccountTable(){ var myAccount = { accessToken: "", //enter here you facebook accessToken. You can retrieve ...